Sunday, June 10, 2018

5 Best Sci-Fi Movies of the 21st Century

Science fiction movies always bring out the nerd in you. Personally speaking, it is my favorite genre. There have been several great sci-fi filmmakers like Christopher Nolan and Ridley Scott who are still actively making movies. Having said that, it is not easy to make a good science fiction film; that’s why there are only a few of them that released this century can be classified as really great.
Here is the list of top Hollywood science fiction films of the 21st century. Which is your favorite?

5. District 9 (2009)

District 9 Top 10 Sci-Fi

4. Arrival (2016)

‘Arrival’ astounds you with its concept. A concept that surprisingly no writer/filmmaker ever thought of. If ever Aliens arrive to earth, chances of them engaging in a Spielbergian warfare are less. At least not before they try to communicate with us first. What’s also beautiful about ‘Arrival’ is that at its heart, it is a story of mother and the difficult choices she has to make

3. Gravity (2013)

2. Interstellar (2014)

Replete with some of the best images you would have ever seen on-screen, ‘Interstellar’ is visually breathtaking and technologically awe-inspiring. It’s flawed; but it’s beautiful. And it is also what Nolan ultimately wants it to be : A token of love from a father to his daughter. 

1. Inception (2010)

Christopher Nolan’s exquisitely made mind-bender is a movie that will be brought to discussion over dinner tables for years, possibly decades to come. Accompanied by beautiful visuals, incredible score, and a highly original idea, ‘Inception’ is as innovative and cerebral movie-making can get. And that famous climax still has many heads spinning.

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